
Manifestation Basics and Techniques

Law of attraction dictates that we are always manifesting whether we are intentional or not. The best way to manifest your desires and a happy life is to invest your energy into loving and caring for yourself, into relaxation and health, into feeling at ease and feeling good. Like attracts like, and so when you feel good you attract more of that. When you don’t feel good you can love and heal yourself into feeling better, which is a powerful way to attract good things and create a good life.

  • EFT TappingGently tap meridian pressure points on your body as you release bad feelings and affirm positive ones. Start with grounding statements such as “even though I feel stressed I love and honor myself”, move through your feelings with releasing statements like “I am willing to let go of this as it no longer serves me” and solidify your manifestations with statements of welcoming and allowance such as “I am open to receiving this” and “I give myself permission to experience this”.
  • Affirmations and Mantras – Speak and write words of encouragement or words that align with your spiritual intentions. Hinduism and Buddhism use mantras and chanting as a meditative practice to enhance spiritual connection, as well as to honor G-d using words such as “om” and “hari om”. You can use your own words such as “I am safe”, “I am loved” and “everything is always working out for me”. Repeat the mantra or affirmations during meditation, in your journal or in the back of your mind throughout the day.
  • Meditation – A retreat into your internal space while quieting the mind and allowing the body to be calm. Sit with your legs crossed and spine strait in a quiet, comfortable place and close your eyes. Be in the present moment and focus on controlled and slow, deep breathing. Allow your mind to clear and your thoughts to settle. If you have a lot of mental chatter, let your mind chatter – or you can use focus to clear those thoughts by counting breath or repeating a statement, affirmation or mantra (spiritually charged statement), or you can listen to music, singing bowls, or a pre-recorded guided meditation.
  • Prayer – Hold a conversation with and honor G-d. You can start by saying “Dear G-d” and then anything after. It’s best to start with appreciation such as “thank you for _____. Your magic and miracles are wondrous.” and you can petition for your desires like “Please grant me ____ if it serves your will” or ask for guidance – “Please guide me in this situation if it serves your will.” and finish again with appreciation – “Thank you so much.”
  • AcceptanceTo quote myself, “Acceptance is your friend.” Acceptance allows tension to melt away and releases blocks. When things are not appearing as you wish, you can tell yourself that the universe is in the process of working it out, that it is not you in control and that it is what it is. Relinquishing control opens space for allowing G-d or the universe to work magic for you.
  • TrustPracticing trust creates a conduit that ushers in good things. Give yourself permission to trust that everything is working out for the best, that you are supported and that good things can happen. Trust in yourself and in your own abilities, trust in the universe and in G-d to take care of you and to provide, and trust that whatever happens you will be and are already okay. This requires some ongoing self talk and a willingness to take a leap of faith while abandoning fear and anxiety. You can speak words of trust, think them or write them down.
  • Appreciation and Gratitude – Focus on appreciating, being thankful for and finding value in what you already have or what you are manifesting. You can write a list of what you are grateful for, make little notes and put them in a gratitude jar, or simply focus your thoughts on things you love and appreciate. “I love feeling comfortable”, “I love being safe”, “I appreciate my partner so much”, “I am so happy to have this job” and so forth.
  • Self Love and Self CareMake yourself a priority. Treat yourself well as if you are as deserving of goodness as you truly are. Put your needs first. Honor your boundaries. Take care of your health. Treat yourself to nice things. This sends the message to the world that you are worthy and deserving of goodness while already granting yourself that goodness.
  • Inspired ActionTaking action can usher your desires in quickly and powerfully. When you feel compelled to do something that is based on health and feeling good, do it. Our desires are gifts from G-d/the universe and are meant to be pursued. When you feel inspired, act on that inspiration. The universe wants to work with you to achieve, and is constantly whispering in your ear. Listen to your intuition and take inspired action to pull your manifestations into this material world.
  • Feng Shui and declutter your space – Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of managing and clearing your environmental energies. Your environment is a reflection of and directly affects your mind and well being. When you organize what you do want and need and remove things that you don’t need you clear space for healthy energy flow and for blessings to come in. You can add to the energy of your space by decorating for good energy – adding plants, fountains and items of inspiration. Leave the corners of your room clear so energy does not get trapped. Place coins by your door to invite in money. Close your toilet seat to prevent money from being washed away. Wipe your stove each night to keep the heart of your home fresh and to prevent malignant stagnancy. Keep your home clean and tidy to allow comfort and well being to thrive. Hang photos of beautiful natural spaces to enhance your feeling good.
  • Physical space for spiritual practice – Creating a space for your spiritual practice, like a meditation or prayer space, an altar or a simple cozy corner can help you connect spiritually with G-d, spirit guides, yourself and the collective energies. This can help you to make room for healing and well being in your life as well as to prioritize your practice.
  • Keep a Daily Routine – Keep a morning and/or evening routine that enhances your spiritual connection, like prayer, meditation or journaling to help with boost and focus your energy when starting and ending the day. Keeping routines helps your brain get in a productive mode in the morning and a restful mode in the evening while keeping you connected to source/G-d.
  • ExerciseMuch like our homes, our bodies can become stagnant and built up toxins and energies. Exercise is proven to help clear away toxins and boost energy while enhancing health and happiness.
  • Chakra Cleansing and balancing – Hold your dominant hand over each of your chakras, starting with the root chakra while working your way up through each chakra. As you hold your hand over the chakra repeat “Clean clean clean, energize energize energize” at least 3 times.
  • Grounding – Spend time in nature, walking on and sitting on grass. During meditation imagine that you are a tree with roots reaching down through the bottom of your spine going deep into the earth, or imagine a golden bean shooting from you and connecting to the core of the earth.
  • Scripting – Write a story about your life in past or present tense, as if the life you desire has already come to be. Include as much detail as possible, make it vivid and feel as though it is real and already one while writing. Describe feelings and express appreciation and excitement.
  • Focus Wheel – This is a tool you can use to shift your vibration and feelings from negative to positive. Start by drawing a circle. In the circle draw another circle and write or draw something that makes you feel good inside that circle. In the outer circle, write statements or draw pictures that match the feeling of the inner circle. This exercise helps you shift your focus away from bad feelings and bring good feelings and good vibes to the surface, like planting and growing a seed.
  • Visualization – The imagination is a powerful thing. Go into your mind, imagine and daydream about what you desire in vivid detail, as if it is real right now. You can do this during meditation, before sleep, in the morning to set a positive tone, or at any time.
  • Vision Boards – Create a collage or collection of images, photos, drawings, affirmations, statements or even sounds that illustrate a clear picture of what you desire. You can do this by hand, using pinterest or an app or even create a binder or sketchbook of vision boards.
  • Mirror Technique – Stand in front of a mirror and take a deep breath to ground and center yourself. Then talk to yourself and tell yourself things that make you feel good. “You are beautiful” or “My hair looks good today” or :You deserve good things” or things like “I love being successful” or “I am so grateful to have everything I want and need.”
  • 2 Cup Method – Place two glasses or cups in front of you. Fill one glass with water and label that glass as your current situation or current challent, for example ‘No Job’ or ‘feeling discouraged’. Label the other cup as your intended situation like “six figure dream job”. Then take the cup of water and pour the water into the empty cup that represents your desired situation. Allow yourself to feel as though you have shifted dimensions into the new, desired situation.
  • 555 technique – Write down your desired manifestation 55 times for 5 days, 44 times for 4 days, 33 times for 3 days or 22 times for 2 days. This helps focus your mind on the manifested reality. Allow yourself to feel appreciative as you are writing, as if it is done.
  • Ho’oponopono – Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian tradition of forgiveness and reconciliation, spoken or written out loud and repeated as feels right. This can help shift your energy and remove energetic blocks to usher in healing. This is especially valuable for healing relationships and conflict with others and is believed to ‘make things right’ by shifting the energy between you and the other through shifting your own energy. Focus on the person or problem and state “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”
  • Candles – Light a candle to enhance your prayers and manifestation methods. You can dress the candle with oils and herbs. Focus your gratitude, prayers, blessings and desires into the candle as you light it and enjoy the warmth of the flame.
  • Clearing Bath – Make bathing a ritual that washes away sorrow, fear and negative energy to clear blocks of money, health, happiness, and love into your life. The element of water can be like magic and is used in many cultures as a spiritual cleanse. You can place candles, crystals, herbs, flowers, bubbles and oils in your bathroom to enhance the cleansing process and speak affirmations or meditate during the bath. It is recommended to fully submerge for at least a few minutes.
  • Sound Bath/Healing – Use instruments or vocals to tune your own energetic frequencies and vibrations, such as singing bowls, gongs and chimes or songs and prayers.
  • Crystal Healing – Carry, wear, hold or meditate with crystals to help clear and enhance your own energies.