Channeled message from Aliah, Lotus’ spirit guide.
- Envision golden sparkling light surrounding your subject; a sparkly shield-like auric field fully encapsulating them.
- Envision golden sparkly light immersing each chakra, one by one, starting at the top star chakra down through the crown, through the third eye, heart, sacral and root chakras, all the way through to the bottom earth chakra. The star chakra is 3 chakras above the crown and the earth chakra is below the root.
- Hold the vision of all chakras lit up with golden light and surrounded by golden light for a long time… as long as feels right.
- Next, envision a golden, sunshine colored sparkly ribbon wrapping around the subject’s aura from the very top star chakra point of their auric field, all the way around the outside of their aura, to the bottom Earth point of their auric field. Surround them with sparkles and miracle vibes.
- Feel through the auric field to locate and clear out stagnancies, weakened parts and injuries. When you find these areas, pour love and nurturing energy into them.